Wednesday 18 July 2012

soooo how do i burp this thing lol

today i got a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day was a bad bad storm about two hours before aunty mel and i came to see you .... u were fussy at first but after mama fed u.   you were happy sleepy but still enough to put a huge smile on my face    cant belive at just 11 days old you are trying to hold your head up and are so squirmy that you can almost roll over ........ your facial expressions omg they are so cute and the way you flail your arms id think you were part french lol you cried everytime aunty tried to hold u lol i know u were saying gimme my daddy lol   the next time i see you . you will be meeting aunty julie and hopefully soon the rest of your family .......well till next time ..... i love u and miss you

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