Thursday 12 July 2012

Just a little backround

your mother and i didnt date very long but when i did find out she was pregnat i was very excited i went to all of the dr appointmants that i could and tryed to be as supportive as i could.  i remember the excitemant and fear and rush of emotion when i heard your heart beat for the first time and the ultrasound made me cry when i seen u for the first time waving your little arms at me. i was hooked ...... when i got the call that you were finnally here i wanted to see you as soon as i could it was the longest night of my life waiting till i was allowed to see you the next day.   i was more than ready when aunty mel pulled up to the house at 10 the next morning went to the hospital and i held you in my arms i was speechless you were so beautyfull so perfect so innocent it was hard for me to even let aunty mel hold you lol ....... the next week went by very fast and it was time to see you again .... i was very very sad that i could not go i had gotten sick and the last thing i wasnted was to get you sick  so grandma and ggma got to go and meet you instead i am looking very much forward to the next time i will get to hold you ..........    you were born     **/**/2012 you were 7lbs 3 ounces and 20.5" long

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