Wednesday 10 October 2012

Baby smiles are the cutest

I love making u laugh and smile it warms my heart to see you so happy    its so hard to not be with u every day and if i could have i would have changed things  but never the less i still love u and will enjoy every secound i have with you .......Daddy loves u 

Wednesday 26 September 2012


i have had the pleasure of seeing you so much this month  u are growing and starting to teeth  you have become so vocal now and it makes me giggle every time u scream at me i cant belive you are out growing 3-6 month old clothing ..... well love u baby and will see you tomorrow

Wednesday 12 September 2012

one eye open

went to see you yesterday you are changing so fast every week u seem to get alittle cubbier or strech out a little more you are now 11 lbs and a happy healthy baby ....your mom is reluctantly letting me feed you now and i know its hard for her cause that is a bonding time for both of u ....its taking me some time to learn you and what you like but as time goes on it will get easier and i will figure you out alittle more im trying baby girl are a very happy baby and it breaks my heart when you scream at me .....when i burp u i musnt be doing somthing quite the way you like cause you insist on wacking me in the face over and over and over lol ......i wish i could have more time to bond with you and more time to form a stronger connection .... i love holding you and cuddling   ...... mom says put u down and talk to u while im there but i hate it i just wanna keep you close to me ...... i wanna feel your warmth i wanna feel your sighs i wanna feel our hearts beat togather ......... i was cuddling you and you were falling asleep but anytime i would stop rocking you or stop moving you would open one eye just to make sure i was still there ....has to be the cutest thing ever

Thursday 30 August 2012

Well baby you are two months old tomorrow you are changing every time i see you and its really nice to be getting to know you more and more it really seems as tho i have had some time to get to bond with you ...... i love how calm you are in my arms and how you just stare at me  ..... you are starting to giggle lots and your smiles melt me ........ wish i could spend every day with you and see your beautiful face when you wake up ...... i feel like im missing so much and every day with out seeing you is hard .......... till next time i love and miss you very much

Tuesday 7 August 2012

and then there was auntys lol

so i went to see you on friday and aunty julie got to meet you for the very first time i think she loves you lol ..... also aunty crystal almost tried to run out the door with you ....... it was great spending saterday with you getting to know you alittle more all by myself   you are so cute but man did you puke alot lol you were telling all kinds of stories   soo cute lol .... it looks like i get so see you a bit more thursday and friday next week i am very excited   love you sweety

Tuesday 31 July 2012

it always gets worse before it gets better

it has been almost a week since i seen my baby and its really starting to wear on me i know its only 5 more days but i had no idea it would be this hard to not be near her    im finding it hard to sleep at night and i dread asking for more time with her as a fear of losing the time i do get with her ...... you are in my thoughts Shaylin    i love you baby and will see you soon

Thursday 26 July 2012

making faces

good eaving sweety i got to spend a bit more time with you ..... it feels like a forbidden treat to get to see you ...... not allowed not allowed surprise your allowed but only for an hour ...... its really starting to wear on me but that hour a week feels like an eturnaty the time that i get to spend staring into your deep blue eyes and giggle to my self about your tiny little toes and your tiny little fingers ...... you were quite awake this time cooing and making faces smiling at your dad and grandma ...... for now all i can do is ask ond hope for more time with you ....... again till next time daddy loves you

Wednesday 18 July 2012

soooo how do i burp this thing lol

today i got a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day was a bad bad storm about two hours before aunty mel and i came to see you .... u were fussy at first but after mama fed u.   you were happy sleepy but still enough to put a huge smile on my face    cant belive at just 11 days old you are trying to hold your head up and are so squirmy that you can almost roll over ........ your facial expressions omg they are so cute and the way you flail your arms id think you were part french lol you cried everytime aunty tried to hold u lol i know u were saying gimme my daddy lol   the next time i see you . you will be meeting aunty julie and hopefully soon the rest of your family .......well till next time ..... i love u and miss you

Thursday 12 July 2012

Out of my elemant

I have not spent alot of time in the baby sections of stores the first time i went shopping for you i had never felt so lost in four isles so so so sooooooo many choices very overwelming

Love at first site

this was the first time i met you and got to hold you. you had the meanest death grip on my finger

here you are

Just a little backround

your mother and i didnt date very long but when i did find out she was pregnat i was very excited i went to all of the dr appointmants that i could and tryed to be as supportive as i could.  i remember the excitemant and fear and rush of emotion when i heard your heart beat for the first time and the ultrasound made me cry when i seen u for the first time waving your little arms at me. i was hooked ...... when i got the call that you were finnally here i wanted to see you as soon as i could it was the longest night of my life waiting till i was allowed to see you the next day.   i was more than ready when aunty mel pulled up to the house at 10 the next morning went to the hospital and i held you in my arms i was speechless you were so beautyfull so perfect so innocent it was hard for me to even let aunty mel hold you lol ....... the next week went by very fast and it was time to see you again .... i was very very sad that i could not go i had gotten sick and the last thing i wasnted was to get you sick  so grandma and ggma got to go and meet you instead i am looking very much forward to the next time i will get to hold you ..........    you were born     **/**/2012 you were 7lbs 3 ounces and 20.5" long

From the beginning

So i have started this blog so that one day i can show my daughter and hope she will appreicate all the love that went into it ....... daddy loves you Shaylin